
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

New video for Way of the Monk!

Ecceau has created a video for me that features the Way of the Monk. It is a truly impressive video and shows his skill. If you enjoy it, please take the time to like the video and subscribe to his channel. I definitely think that he deserves it.

Btw, I will post a news update soon including my current progress and work, as well as information about the upcoming Chi system.


  1. I left the post about the pillar of elements location....which I did find...there's a marker on the heads up display which made it easy!

    So I found the pillar, activated it...fought some stuff, no effect. Then figured out I had to find it under powers...did that, hit the z key, choose fire. Fought some flame effect...not sure if there is supposed to be one?

    In the end I can't tell if it's working or not?

    I am enjoying the mod....despite the numerous deaths (I play on expert level). Right now I've got Lydia hanging with me...she soaks up damaage...especially since she gets all the good armor and weapons!

    1. Alrighty, I'll check the effects and see what the problem is. I've had one or two other people report a problem with that pillar.

  2. Thank you sir!

    Let me know if you figure it out.

    1. Well, I investigated the issue and looked through the code and the spells. By all reasoning, it *should* work. Especially since it was working earlier and I have not changed it at all. But there must be something else that is interfering with the Element attacks. I went ahead and uploaded the new update, but I will work more on it later.


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