
Way of the Monk Guides & Info

Latest News:

5-17-12: New Chi system announced!

Release info and details:

Part 1 - List of Additions

Release Details & Future Plans

Lore: Pillars

Lore: Apostates

Player Guides:



  1. wooo claw em in the balls!!!

  2. I can't seem to find the Pillar of Elements!

    I'm standing on top of Gerimund's pillar to be seen....what am I missing?

    1. Go to the actual lake, not the town. Go to Ivarstead, head north down the hill. You'll encounter a river and a troll. Across the river and on top of that hill is the Pillar of Elements.

  3. It's great, but the total size of saves makes it impossible for me to play it :( If it would be possible to implement unarmed and unarmored perk into a skill tree, maybe it wouldn't be so huge. Or is it fixed in the latest version?

    1. I'm working on fixing that issue for the next version. I've been sick and am looking for a job, so haven't been able to mod for the past while, though. I'll finish the update as soon as possible.

  4. how does the knockout punch work? cause it doesn't really say anywhere how to use it.

    1. It's been a while, but if I remember correctly, then the conditions are that you have to be sneaking and undetected by the enemy that you hit with your fists.

    2. yes but every time i try to knock them out i one hit them

    3. i play with the steam version does that maybe have to do something with it?

    4. i have a similar question but for chokehold how does 1 execute that

  5. Just a suggestion. What about the ability to use staffs. Such as the quarterstaff.

  6. I've encountered a bug in the perks system. Current unarmored skill is 55, progress 19%. I got the unarmored combat perk "unarmored stance" to level 2, but even with the prerequisites fulfilled and exceeded, I cannot get the unencumbered perk.

    Is there a way to fix this?

    Thank you for your time. I love the mod.

  7. I subscribed on the Steam Workshop and I can see the pillars and stuff in-game, but I do not see a tree for the perks or whatever in the Skill menu....
    What am I doing wrong? Is it a glitch?

  8. Love this mod! Since you've moved on to other projects, would you considere making this open source? I would love to help out in resolving some of the bugs that people (and myself) have come across that have popped up. What do you think?

    1. Sure! I have no problem with that whatsoever. There were several other things I wanted to do with it, such as add SkyUI support, clean up bugs, and flesh out features, but never got the chance. I don't have the original source files, but they can be extracted using BSAOpt. Are you interested in contributing to it if did become open-source?


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